Friday, July 6, 2012

We're here

We're all checked into our hotel rooms and apartments and will hopefully be asleep soon.  It's 3:30am right now.  Blessings and ty for your yarps.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

We've landed in Detroit. Pretty good flight. We'll be flying out in a little less than 3 hours. Ty for your prayers. :)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

If you have tonight or tomorrow you can check in and print boarding passes at

Kinder Classrooms Update

Kinder Teachers:

We talked with the BJ school tonight and asked if you guys had chalk boards or white boards.  Turns out you have neither. 

There is one chalk/white board on rollers (I think one side is chalk, the other side is white board), that you can share and roll between classes.  It's up to you if you'd like to schedule when each of you will have it.  Another option is doing all of your teaching on paper.  We think we can get big sheets of paper that you can use and/or hang up on your wall.

We'll work all of this out when we get there... but we wanted to give you a heads up so you can be thinking about it :)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Weighing your bag

This is optional!!

We'll be bringing a scale up to DBU tomorrow... so if you'd like to weigh your bag, you're more than welcome to bring your suitcase with you.  (Or if you want to pack as many extra teaching materials as you can but don't want to go over 50lbs)

Monday, July 2, 2012

Roommate Changes

Hannah will not be going on the trip this year (she's home sick with mono).  Wesley Basinger will be taking her place.    

We rearranged some of the roommates.    Below are the changes only.  So if your name/room isn't listed below, then nothing has changed for you.

Room #5: Annette Witte
               Emily Garner
               Nathalie White

Room #8: Wesley Basinger

Room #11:  Kaitlen Harrison
                 Jordan Andrews

Let us know if you have any questions!