Saturday, June 16, 2012

Comments from Teachers in Past Camps (2 of 3)

Questions #2:  About how much of your own money did you use this summer?  How much would you suggest a summer camp teacher bring?  ($200-$250 was the average amount between the 25 teachers on our team)

  • $400 if buying a lot of souvenirs, pearls, etc
  • I used about $10 of my own $$, but I didn’t buy any souvenirs.  I would suggest $50-200 if you are kind of a shopper
  • $300 if you want to do a lot of shopping or eat a lot of American food
  • Approximately $500.  I suggest you bring more than this if you’re not going to eat lunch in the cafeteria
  • I used about $350, but I bought a lot of presents and paid for a lot of touristy things
  • $200 is a good amount to bring… more if this is your first trip to china
  • I spent $200, but I’m not a shopper (this was for food and basic living stuff)
  • I spent about $550 on food and shopping (I’d recommend bringing $400-500)
  • About $200
  • I spent $630.  I bought a lot of souvenirs and clothes.
  • I used $200.  I’d bring at least $100 in case you get swindled (amber note: this happened to part of our group the first couple of days)
  • Spent $300 – all on souvenirs
A note from Amber...  it's possible to live and eat very very cheap in China.  There are places you can buy a bowl of noodles that will fill you up for a meal for less than $1.     The teachers who spent the large amounts of money above usually ate American food at least one meal a day.